Thursday, 19 May 2011


I went to the premier night of Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides last night. I'm not going to lie to you, it was a little bit freaking awesome!! I went with some of my besties, and I didn't get back home until about 1:00 AM ... and I had to wake up again the next morning at 7, the thing is, I felt really really energised and I am still really energetic and enthusiastically excited!! ... I guess that's what a dose of Captain Jack does!
It was not as good as the original however, but what is .. usually most sequels are a bust, I think Pirates has done a good job at keeping even them up in the box office ratings!

This fourth installment in one of the most epic quadriligies of our time, was directed by Rob Marshall ... Now I'm not sure if many of you know that he was the director of movies such as 'Chicargo' and 'Memoirs of a Geisha' ... Not titles that you would generally relate to a Pirates of the Caribbean movie that's for sure, however, given the circumstances, I must say that the movies didn't completely go down in flames, again despite not having the talented direction or Gore Vebinski like the Pirates previous movies. The script was easy to follow however somewhat predictable at times and definitely not as funny as the previous movies .... Captain Jack Sparrow still had his dry sense of humour, but on a more watered down scale, but I definitely will say this ... the fantastic performances of Geoffrey Rush, Kevin McNally, Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane and of course the one and only Johnny Depp, were intensely exciting and passionate and they still brought that much needed essence to their character that absolutely brought, what could have been a disastrous movie, up into what I would rate, on a scale of 1 - 10 ..... 6 awesome's.

Moving on from the fact (which you have probably guessed already) that I have a major celebrity crush on Johnny Depp .... I would like to ask you all a question ... yes ... that would imply that I had actually been thinking about this for some time ... "What's that? she is actually thinking! ... holy crap run!" ... no .... In my recent outing of said awesome Pirates movie ... I got into a heated discussion with one of my friends about whether or not Disney will do yet another sequel in this awe inspiring series of Pirates and Caribbean and Johnny Depp Awesomeness. This is basically how the conversation played out:
(For reasons beyond me I have decided to give my friend an alias .... so instead of his actual name ... I will be calling him CS .... short for Captain Shapera)

CS : Will and Elizabeth weren't in this one .... Do you think they will be in the next one?

Me : *perplexed* Next one?

CS : Yeah, apparently they are planning on doing up to 7 sequels ... they were planning it from the start!

Me : What ... No way .... NO because they weren't even planning on doing a sequel to the first movie ... however given the fact that it did so well at the box office ... they said 'okay ... we can totally do another one now' ... or something along those lines ... then they said .. 'well okay, lets shoot 2 back to back' ... hence how the whole POTC 2 and 3 came about .... NOW .... they went to the script writers and basically said ... 'we need 2 sequel scripts for POTC .. back to back' and the writers then pretty much said 'oh shit .... what are we going to do for 2 more sequels .... we are out of mad ideas' ..... ANYWAY  .... when they started shooting number 2 the script writers had not even finished the 3rd script ... and they had a lot of problems with budget and all that jazz ... that's basically how the TRILOGY came about .... the idea to do a 4th installment was up to how well ratings were and how far they could push the boundaries ... but lets face the facts shall we ... nothings permanent in Hollywood.

CS : *silence* ...

.... I'm guessing he was wondering when the hell I was going to shut up and let him get a word in!

And they call me the movie buff in the group!!!

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