Sunday, 19 June 2011

Bucket List

I have a Bucket List.Now I know what you are probably thinking ... "sure, well there's a lot of people out there who have a Bucket List" .. But you see the difference is, my Bucket List is mine, and uniquely mine ... There is things on there that range from adventurous activities I want to do to place I want to travel to things I want to achieve in my career to family aspects. I got up to about 250 on the list, to tell you the truth I could have kept going to 1000 or more, but I had to narrow it down.
Still, I think 250 is swinging pretty far for the fence! Wouldn't you agree?

One of the items on said Bucket List, is speak Fluent French. This one I have actually been working on ... buuut - Je ne peur paler un peu de Francais! (which means 'I can only speak a little bit of French) so far ... I love this language though, it sounds so beautiful, with every syllable and word that I learn it's like honey running off my tongue (a strange simile for a language I'm sure, unique none the less!)

English is obviously my first language, and I loved English in high school (I was an English, Art and Film person, not a Math's and Science person). I just loved the idea that there could be more than one right answer to something, I loved the fact that there was a lot more creativity involved in English and the Arts and that there was no dead set right or wrong answer .... It was the process that mattered, not necessarily the final product (although if that was good it did help).

Anyway, back to my insanely weird obsession with France at the moment .... Come to think of it, it is a little strange isn't it, me want to live in the south of France for a while and now me wanting to learn the language fluently .... oh well, guess I can't help it now!

So that's one thing on the list anyway.

I was reading the other day in a travel brochure (I think it was STA travel or something) that they offer a lot of different around the world tours ... I was reading the details of them and a lot of them are absolutely amazing! ... If only I had enough money.
There is however an opportunity to teach English as a Foreign Language all around the world. The company pays for the course that you have to take to get the qualification as well, and it's only 20 hours of classroom time .... I thought, bonus! ... There is fee's involved with the tour package of course ... I'll let you know if anything pops up that allows me to travel the world for free ... while packing my bags!

I shall keep you posted and give you various travel updates (when I do go away) .... there are heaps of places that have free WiFi!

Keep smiling!

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